Garbarino has increased the 2024 order intakes by 25,4% compare to 2023.
Garbarino got new orders in the cruise market with Fincantieri, Mariotti and Chantiers de l'Atlantique for the following owners: Regent Seven Seas Cruises, Aman, MSC and Viking Cruises.
Garbaino will attend the marine exhibition SMM 2024 (Hall A2, stand n. 213) in Hamburg (3-6 September).
Garbarino, through the EPC contractor Fisia Italimpianti, will supply several chemical and recessed impeller torque flow pumps to a water treatment plant for the Zuluf onshore oil facilities in Saudi Arabia (KSA) owned by Saudi Aramco.
Garbarino, supplier of the S-80 submarines, will supply again the Spanish naval shipyard Navantia: the new project BAM (Buque de Acciòn Marìtima) de Intervenciòn Subacuàtica, is an offshore patrol vessel specialized in supporting the submarines.